
Showing posts from March 17, 2019

Rejected in the fourth interview round, citing insufficient years of experience [on hold]How can I prove the value of a good customer experience over short term profitability?Work Experience Mistake on a ResumeI followed up with the HR regarding my onsite interview. I did not get a chance to ask for timeline during the interview. Did I commit a blunder?A programming task is scaring off candidates, should we ditch it?Working on live dev code in the interview process: ethical?Getting rejected in final roundsIs it appropriate to tell the recruiter that I have to delay my start date?After interviews, two companies told me the position is no longer being filled. Is this an indirect way to reject candidates?Following up with HR after technical interviewShould we measure candidate based on resume and it's format

Could this Scherzo by Beethoven be considered to be a fugue? Do native speakers use "ultima" and "proxima" frequently in spoken English? Why is indicated airspeed rather than ground speed used during the takeoff roll? How can I wire 7 outdoor posts correctly? Knife as defense against stray dogs How far is Brahmaloka from our Earth? The average age of first marriage in Russia What is the significance behind "40 days" that often appears in the Bible? Is there a term for accumulated dirt on the outside of your hands and feet? Bash - pair each line of file I am trying to parse json data using jq Why is the President allowed to veto a cancellation of emergency powers? Four married couples attend a party. Each person shakes hands with every other person, except their own spouse, exactly once. How many handshakes? Recruiter wants very extensive technical details about all of my previous work T-SQL LIKE Predicate failed to match with wh