Senate of Spain Contents History Organization Elections to the Senate Composition Role Presidents of the Senate of Spain Notes References External links Navigation menuwww.senado.eseLocal Regime Framework Act (Law 7/1985)"Senado.- Junta preparatoria celebrada el domingo 2 de Abril de 1871""Senado.- Presidencia de edad del Sr. Conde de Chacón""Senado.- Sesión celebrada el martes 17 de Setiembre de 1872""Senado.- Presidencia del Excmo. Sr. D. Laureano Figuerola.- Sesión celebrada el lunes 10 de Febrero de 1873""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á Don Manuel García Barzanallana, Marqués de Barzanallana""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana, y Vicepresidente de dicho alto Cuerpo á Don Manuel Antonio Acuña, D. Florencio Rodríguez Vaamonde, D. Francisco Mata y Alós y D. José María de Ezpeleta y Aguirre""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana, y Vicepresidente del mismo á D. Manuel Silvela, D. Guillermo Charon, D. Andrés Lasso de la Vega y D. Emilio Bernar""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, y Vicepresidentes á Don Telesforo Montejo y otros""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Francisco Serrano, Duque de la Torre, y Vicepresidente á D. Tomás María Mosquera""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Francisco Javier Arias Dávila, y Vicepresidentes á D. Fermín Lasala, D. Eduardo Fernández San Román, D. Emilio Bernar y D. Cayo Quiñones""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos, y Vicepresidentes del mismo á D. Fermín Lasala y Collado, D. Eduardo Fernández San Román, Don Cayo Quiñones de León y D. Juan Moreno Benítez""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á Don José Gutiérrez de la Concha""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana, y Vicepresidente á D. Tomás María Mosquera, D. Francisco de Paula y Pavia, D. Cristóbal Colón de la Cerda, Duque de Veragua, y D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente y Vicepresidentes del Senado para la próxima legislatura á los señores que se expresan""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, y Vicepresidentes á D. Eduardo Bermúdez Reina, D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce, D. Juan Jordán del Urries y Ruiz de Arana y D. Eduardo Martínez del Campo""Reales decretos nombrando, Presidente del Senado, á D. José Elduayen, y Vicepresidentes, á los señores que se citan""Reales decretos nombrando, Presidente del Senado, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, y Vicepresidentes, á los señores que se expresan""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga""Real decreto dejando sin efecto el de 18 de Octubre último, por el que se nombro Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado y Vicepresidentes del mismo al Conde de Valdosera, D. Antonio Dabán, Duque de Béjar, D. Faustino y San Pedro y Conde de Pallares, respectivamente""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente y Vicepresidentes del Senado, y Senadores vitalicios, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, D. Manuel Eguilior, D. Federico Ochando, Marqués de Ayerbe, Don Martín de Zabala, D. Amós Salvador, D. Baltasar Hidalgo, D. Vicente Alonso Martínez, D. Felipe Sánchez Román, D. Emilio Nieto y D. Andrés Mellado""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga, y Vicepresidente á D. Luis Pidal y Mon, D. Mariano Fernández de Henestrosa, D. Francisco Javier López de Carrizosa y D. Angel Avilés y Merino""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero""Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José López Domínguez, Capitán General de Ejército; Vicepresidentes de dicho Cuerpo, á Don Amós Salvador y D. Emilio Nieto, y Consejero de Estado, á D. Francisco Romero Robledo""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo De Azcárraga y Palmero""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima Legislatura á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado, para la próxima legislatura, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos""Real decreto admitiendo la dimisión del cargo de Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura, al Capitán general de Ejército D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero, Senador del Reino""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Manuel García Prieto, Marqués de Alhucemas""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Manuel García Prieto, Marqués de Alhucemas""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura, a D. Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a don Manuel Allende Salazar y Muñoz de Salazar""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca""Real decreto nombrando Presidente el Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca""Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura a D. Alvaro de Figueroa y Torres, Conde de Romanones""Real decreto declarando disueltos el Congreso de los Diputados y la parte electiva del Senado"Official websiteeXX2451870000 0004 1768 9174n8611158912189432312189432340°25′14″N 3°42′46″W / 40.42056°N 3.71278°W / 40.42056; -3.71278

Government of SpainCortes GeneralesSenate of SpainNational upper housesPolitics of Spain

Spanishupper houseSpainparliamentMaria Christina of the Two SiciliesMiguel Primo de RiveraSpanish transition to democracyCoalición Canariaelectoral lossesBasque Nationalist PartySocialist PartySpanish ConstitutionCongress of Deputiesparty list proportional representationlimited votingprovinceBalearicsCanariesMallorcaGran CanariaTenerifeMenorcaIbizaFuerteventuraGomeraHierroLanzaroteLa PalmaCeutaMelillaMadridSoriaDIN A3ochreparty listPanachagesurnamepanachageSpanish Constitutionautonomous communityConventionallypluralitylast electionCongress of Deputiesabsolute majoritythree fifthsConstitutional CourtGeneral Council of the Judicial PowerSpanish ConstitutionLocal Regime Framework Actdissolving the Marbella city councilcorrupt practicesfederalizationautonomous communities of Spain

Senate of Spain

Senado de España

XII Legislature
Coat of arms or logo

Upper house
Founded1837 (disband 1923–1977)
1978 (reinstituted)

Pío García-Escudero (PP)
since 13 December 2011
First Vice President

Pedro Sanz Alonso (PP)
Second Vice President

Joan Lerma (PSOE)
Majority leader
Ignacio Cosidó (PP)
Minority leader
Andrés Gil García (PSOE)
Senado de la XII legislatura de España.svg
Political groups

Government (60)

  •      PSOE (60)

Confidence and supply (31)

  •      Unidos Podemos (20)

  •      EAJ/PNV (6)

  •      Mixed group (5)

    •      Compromís (2)

    •      NCa (1)

    •      ASG (1)

    •      Independent (1)

Opposition (175)

  •      PP (147)

  •      ERC–CatSí (12)

  •      PDeCAT–CCa–PNC–AHI (6)

  •      Mixed group (10)

    •      Cs (6)

    •      UPN (1)

    •      FAC (1)

    •      EH Bildu (1)

    •      Vox (1)

Voting system
Limited voting
Meeting place
Senado - sala de plenos.jpg

Palacio del Senado
Centro, Madrid
Kingdom of Spain

The Senate (Spanish: Senado) is the upper house of Spain's parliament, the Cortes Generales. It is made up of 266 members: 208 elected by popular vote, and 58 appointed by the regional legislatures. All senators serve four-year terms, though regional legislatures may recall their appointees at any time.


  • 1 History

  • 2 Organization

  • 3 Elections to the Senate

    • 3.1 Directly elected members

    • 3.2 Regional legislatures-appointed members

  • 4 Composition

  • 5 Role

  • 6 Presidents of the Senate of Spain

    • 6.1 Kingdom of Spain (Democratic Sexennium; 1868–1873)

    • 6.2 Kingdom of Spain (Restoration; 1874–1931)

    • 6.3 Kingdom of Spain (1975–present)

  • 7 Notes

  • 8 References

  • 9 External links


The Senate was first established under the constitution of 1837 under the regency of Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies. It remained under the regimes of the constitutions of 1845, 1856, 1869 and 1876. It was composed, at that latter time, of three main categories: senators by their own right, senators for life and senators elected. This chamber, along with the Congress of Deputies, was suppressed after the coup of General Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1923.

Only after the Spanish transition to democracy in 1978 was it reestablished.


Senators form groups along party lines. Parties with fewer than ten senators form the Mixed Group. If the membership of an existing group falls below six during a session, it is merged into the Mixed Group at the next session. For example, Coalición Canaria lost its senate caucus in 2008 after electoral losses reduced its group from six to two. The Basque Nationalist Party, falling from seven to four, "borrowed" senators from the ruling Socialist Party to form their group; in exchange, they supported the election of socialist Javier Rojo as President of the Senate. The PNV group is again under threshold after returning the borrowed Socialists, and it faces dissolution after the current session.

Legally, 133 seats are required for an absolute majority, vacant seats notwithstanding.

Escudo de España (mazonado).svg

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  • Atlas

Elections to the Senate

To date, senate elections have coincided with elections to the lower house, but the President of the Government (i.e., the Prime Minister) may legally advise the king to call elections for one chamber only, under article 115 of the Spanish Constitution. While the Congress of Deputies is chosen by party list proportional representation, the members of the senate are chosen in two distinct ways: popular election by limited voting and appointment from regional legislatures.

Directly elected members

Most members of the senate (currently 208 of 266) are directly elected by the people. Each province elects four senators without regard to population. Insular provinces are treated specially. The larger islands of the Balearics (Baleares) and Canaries (Canarias)—Mallorca, Gran Canaria, and Tenerife—are assigned three seats each, and the smaller islands—Menorca, Ibiza–Formentera, Fuerteventura, Gomera, Hierro, Lanzarote and La Palma—one each; Ceuta and Melilla are assigned two seats each. This allocation is heavily weighted in favor of small provinces; Madrid, with its 6.5 million people, and Soria, with 90,000 inhabitants, are each represented by four senators.

In non-insular constituencies, each party nominates three candidates. Candidates' names are organized in columns by party on a large (DIN A3 or larger) ochre-colored ballot called a sábana or bedsheet.

Each voter may mark up to three candidates' names, from any party. This is the only occasion when Spanish voters vote for individuals rather than a party list. Panachage is allowed, but typically voters cast all three votes for candidates of a single party. As a result, the four Senators are usually the three candidates from the most popular party and the first placed candidate from the next most popular.

Before 2011, a party could not choose the order of its candidates on the ballot paper; candidates were sorted alphabetically by surname. When a party did not get all three of its candidates elected, this arrangement favored candidates with surnames early in the alphabet. This was the case for 2nd placed parties in every province and for both parties in tight races when voters did not vote for three candidates of the same party (panachage).

Regional legislatures-appointed members

Article 69.5 of the Spanish Constitution empowers the legislative assembly of each autonomous community of Spain to appoint a senate delegation from its own ranks, with one Senator per one million citizens, rounded up. Demographic growth increased the combined size of the regional delegations from 51 to 56 in 2008 for the 9th term.

Conventionally, the proportions of the regional delegations mimic their legislative assemblies, as required in principle by Article 69.5 of the constitution. However, Autonomous Communities have considerable leeway, and a motion to appoint the delegation often requires no more than a plurality. Two anomalous examples are:

  • After the 2007 election, the single senator from the Balearic Islands was from neither the largest bloc (the People's Party, with 28 of 59 seats), nor the second-largest (the PSOE, with 16), but in fact from the fourth-largest bloc, the Socialist Party of Majorca, which held only four of 59 seats. This arrangement was part of a five-party coalition agreement. This anomaly was resolved in 2008, when the Balearic Islands gained a second senate seat which was filled by the PP.

  • Since 2003, the PSOE has ruled Aragon with support from regionalist parties. In the 2007 election, it won 30 of 67 seats. Nevertheless, Aragon's two appointed senators came from the opposition People's Party (23 seats) and the regionalist Aragonese Party (9 seats).

Due to population growth, Andalusia, the Balearic and Canary Islands, Catalonia, and Madrid each gained a new senator in 2008. Andalusia was the last Autonomous Community to allocate its new seat; it rebuilt its entire delegation after its 2008 regional elections. The distribution after the 2015 election was:

Autonomous Community
Population (2017)







Balearic Islands


Basque Country


Canary Islands




Castile and León


Castilla-La Mancha








La Rioja








Valencian Community






Source: [1]


The last election was held on 26 June 2016. The composition of the 12th Senate is:

Parliamentary group


Republican Left Group

Basque Group in the Senate (EAJ/PNV)






The Spanish parliamentary system is bicameral but asymmetric. The Congress of Deputies has more independent functions, and it can also override most Senate measures. Only the Congress can grant or revoke confidence to a Prime Minister. In the ordinary lawmaking process, either house may be the initiator, and the Senate can amend hostilely or veto, the proposal then being sent back to the lower house, which can override these objections by an absolute majority vote. Organic laws, which govern basic civil rights and regional devolutions, need an absolute majority of both congress and senate to pass.

The process for constitutional amendments is slightly more tangled: the rule is to require a three fifths (60%) of both houses, but if the Senate does not achieve such a supermajority and a mixed congress-senate committee fails to resolve the issues, the Congress may force the amendment through with a two-thirds vote as long as an absolute majority of the Senate was in favour.

On the other hand, the Senate has certain exclusive functions in the appointment of constitutional posts, such as judges of the Constitutional Court or the members of the General Council of the Judicial Power. The Senate is solely responsible for disciplining regional presidents (article 155 of the Spanish Constitution). Only the Senate can suspend local governments. (Local Regime Framework Act article 61.[1]) It exercised this power in April 2006, dissolving the Marbella city council when most of its members were found to have engaged in corrupt practices.
On Friday, October 26, 2017, the Senate of Spain (Senado) voted 214 to 47 to invoke Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution over Catalonia. Article 155 powers gave Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy to remove secessionist politicians, including Mr. Puigdemont, the Catalan leader and direct rule from Madrid.

Senate reform has been a topic of discussion since the early days of Spanish democracy.
One proposal would advance the federalization of Spain by remaking the Senate to represent the autonomous communities of Spain.

Presidents of the Senate of Spain

Kingdom of Spain (Democratic Sexennium; 1868–1873)

Term of office
(Years and days)



Francisco Santa Cruz Pacheco (Palacio del Senado de España).jpg

Francisco Santa Cruz
President of the Senate

2 April 1871

17 September 1872
1 year, 229 days

Constitutional Party

1872 I

Amadeo I
Amadeo king of Spain.jpg


1872 II
(Apr 1872)

Laureano Figuerola Ballester (Palacio del Senado de España).jpg

Laureano Figuerola
President of the Senate

17 September 1872

11 February 1873
86 days

Constitutional Party

(Aug 1872)


Kingdom of Spain (Restoration; 1874–1931)

Term of office
(Years and days)



Manuel García Barzanallana, marqués de Barzanallana (Palacio del Senado de España).jpg

Manuel García Barzanallana
Marquis of Barzanallana
President of the Senate

24 April 1877

18 September 1881
4 years, 208 days

Conservative Party


Alfonso XII
King Alfonso XII.jpg

1878 Ext.


José de la Concha, en La Ilustración Ibérica.jpg

José Gutiérrez de la Concha
1st Marquis of Havana
President of the Senate

18 September 1881

12 December 1883
2 years, 24 days

Liberal Party



Francisco Serrano cropped.png

Francisco Serrano
1st Duke of la Torre
President of the Senate

12 December 1883

16 May 1884
156 days

Dynastic Left

Francisco Javier Arias Dávila y Matheu, conde de Puñonrrostro (Palacio del Senado de España).jpg

Francisco Javier Arias Dávila y Matheu
12th Count of Puñonrostro
President of the Senate

16 May 1884

23 December 1885
1 year, 221 days

Conservative Party


Maria Christina
of Austria

Regent for
Alfonso XIII

General Arsenio Martínez Campos (1831-1900).jpg

Arsenio Martínez-Campos
President of the Senate

23 December 1885

8 May 1886
136 days

Liberal Party

José de la Concha, en La Ilustración Ibérica.jpg

José Gutiérrez de la Concha
1st Marquis of Havana
President of the Senate

8 May 1886

27 February 1891
4 years, 295 days

Liberal Party



General Arsenio Martínez Campos (1831-1900).jpg

Arsenio Martínez-Campos
President of the Senate

27 February 1891

3 April 1893
2 years, 35 days

Liberal Party


José de la Concha, en La Ilustración Ibérica.jpg

José Gutiérrez de la Concha
1st Marquis of Havana
President of the Senate

3 April 1893

10 November 1894
1 year, 221 days

Liberal Party

Eugenio Montero Ríos 1914.jpg

Eugenio Montero Ríos
President of the Senate

10 November 1894

7 May 1896
1 year, 179 days

Liberal Party

José Elduayen Gorriti, Palacio del Senado, Madrid.jpg

José de Elduayen
1st Marquis of the Pazo de la Merced
President of the Senate

7 May 1896

18 April 1898
1 year, 346 days

Conservative Party


Eugenio Montero Ríos 1914.jpg

Eugenio Montero Ríos
President of the Senate

18 April 1898

30 May 1899
1 year, 42 days

Liberal Party


General Arsenio Martínez Campos (1831-1900).jpg

Arsenio Martínez-Campos
President of the Senate

30 May 1899

23 September 1900[†]
1 year, 116 days

Liberal Party



Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero
President of the Senate

18 October 1900

8 November 1900
21 days

Conservative Party


Manuel Aguirre de Tejada, conde de Tejada de Valdeosera (Palacio del Senado de España).jpg

Manuel Aguirre de Tejada
Count of Tejada de Valdosera
President of the Senate

8 November 1900

8 June 1901
212 days

Conservative Party

Eugenio Montero Ríos 1914.jpg

Eugenio Montero Ríos
President of the Senate

8 June 1901

15 May 1903
1 year, 341 days

Liberal Party



Alfonso XIII
Alfonso XIII de España by Kaulak.jpg


Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero
President of the Senate

15 May 1903

9 October 1905
2 years, 147 days

Conservative Party



José López Domínguez 1897 (cropped).jpg

José López Domínguez
President of the Senate

9 October 1905

17 September 1906
343 days

Liberal Party


Eugenio Montero Ríos 1914.jpg

Eugenio Montero Ríos
President of the Senate

17 September 1906

10 May 1907
235 days

Liberal Party


Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero
President of the Senate

10 May 1907

9 June 1910
3 years, 30 days

Conservative Party



Eugenio Montero Ríos 1914.jpg

Eugenio Montero Ríos
President of the Senate

9 June 1910

11 June 1913
Acting until 8 November 1913
3 years, 2 days

Liberal Party




Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero
President of the Senate

8 November 1913

30 May 1915[†]
1 year, 203 days

Conservative Party



Sánchez Toca.JPG

Joaquín Sánchez de Toca
President of the Senate

25 June 1915

6 May 1916
316 days

Conservative Party


Manuel García Prieto 1900 (cropped).jpg

Manuel García Prieto
1st Marquis of Alhucemas
President of the Senate

6 May 1916

31 May 1917
1 year, 25 days

Liberal Democrats



Alejandro gorizard.jpg

Alejandro Groizard
President of the Senate

31 May 1917

23 June 1919
2 years, 23 days

Liberal Party




Manuel Allendesalazar
President of the Senate

23 June 1919

15 December 1919
175 days

Conservative Party


Sánchez Toca.JPG

Joaquín Sánchez de Toca
President of the Senate

15 December 1919

26 May 1923
3 years, 162 days

Conservative Party



Álvaro de Figueroa, Count of Romanones (cropped).jpg

Álvaro de Figueroa
1st Count of Romanones
President of the Senate

26 May 1923

15 September 1923
112 days

Liberal Party



Kingdom of Spain (1975–present)

Term of office
(Years and days)



Antonio Fontan press freedom hero.JPG

Antonio Fontán
President of the Senate

13 July 1977

2 January 1979
1 year, 173 days

Union of the
Democratic Centre


Juan Carlos I
Juan Carlos I of Spain (2010) cropped.jpg

(Cecilio Valverde) Adolfo Suárez junto al vicepresidente primero y de Asuntos de Defensa, en el Congreso de los Diputados. Pool Moncloa. 1979 (cropped).jpeg

Cecilio Valverde
President of the Senate

27 April 1979

31 August 1982
3 years, 126 days

Union of the
Democratic Centre


(Carvajal) Felipe González junto al presidente del Senado y el presidente del Congreso (cropped).jpeg

José Federico de Carvajal
President of the Senate

18 November 1982

2 September 1989
6 years, 349 days

Spanish Socialist
Workers' Party



Juan José Laborda 1992 (cropped).jpg

Juan José Laborda
President of the Senate
(born 1947)

21 November 1989

9 January 1996
6 years, 49 days

Spanish Socialist
Workers' Party



Escudo de España (mazonado).svg

Juan Ignacio Barrero
President of the Senate
(born 1943)

27 March 1996

8 February 1999
2 years, 318 days

People's Party


Esperanza Aguirre 2004 (cropped).jpg

Esperanza Aguirre
President of the Senate
(born 1952)

8 February 1999

21 October 2002
3 years, 255 days

People's Party


Juan José Lucas Jiménez junto a los integrantes de la Comisión General de secretarios de Estado y subsecretarios. Pool Moncloa. 17 de octubre de 2001 (cropped) (cropped).jpeg

Juan José Lucas
President of the Senate
(born 1944)

22 October 2002

20 January 2004
1 year, 90 days

People's Party

(Javier Rojo) Fernández de la Vega preside en el Senado la inauguración del VII Congreso de la Asociación de Constitucionalistas de España. Pool Moncloa. 22 de enero de 2009 (cropped).jpeg

Javier Rojo
President of the Senate
(born 1949)

2 April 2004

27 September 2011
7 years, 178 days

Spanish Socialist
Workers' Party



(Pío García-Escudero) AACU4015 2018 (41536086810) (cropped).jpg

Pío García-Escudero
President of the Senate
(born 1952)

13 December 2011

7 years, 108 days

People's Party


Felipe VI
(Felipe de Borbón) Inauguración de FITUR 2018 (39840659951) (cropped).jpg



Pío García-EscuderoFrancisco Javier Rojo GarcíaJuan José Lucas GiménezEsperanza Aguirre Gil de BiedmaJuan Ignacio Barrero ValverdeJuan José Laborda MartínJosé Federico de Carvajal PérezCecilio Valverde MazuelasAntonio Fontán


^† Died in office.


  1. ^ (in Spanish)Spanish Official Gazette: Local Regime Framework Act (Law 7/1985)

  2. ^ "Senado.- Junta preparatoria celebrada el domingo 2 de Abril de 1871" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (93): 759–760. 3 April .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted; .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit; .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none; .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33; .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em

  3. ^ "Senado.- Presidencia de edad del Sr. Conde de Chacón" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (118): 264–265. 27 April 1872.

  4. ^ "Senado.- Sesión celebrada el martes 17 de Setiembre de 1872" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (262): 831–832. 18 September 1872.

  5. ^ "Senado.- Presidencia del Excmo. Sr. D. Laureano Figuerola.- Sesión celebrada el lunes 10 de Febrero de 1873" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (43): 501. 12 February 1873.

  6. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (115): 249. 25 April 1877.

  7. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á Don Manuel García Barzanallana, Marqués de Barzanallana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (10): 77. 10 January 1878.

  8. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (46): 381. 15 February 1878.

  9. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana, y Vicepresidente de dicho alto Cuerpo á Don Manuel Antonio Acuña, D. Florencio Rodríguez Vaamonde, D. Francisco Mata y Alós y D. José María de Ezpeleta y Aguirre" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (150): 615. 30 May 1879.

  10. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Manuel García Barzanallana, y Vicepresidente del mismo á D. Manuel Silvela, D. Guillermo Charon, D. Andrés Lasso de la Vega y D. Emilio Bernar" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (358): 865. 23 December 1880.

  11. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, y Vicepresidentes á Don Telesforo Montejo y otros" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (263): 785. 20 September 1881.

  12. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (337): 603. 3 December 1882.

  13. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Francisco Serrano, Duque de la Torre, y Vicepresidente á D. Tomás María Mosquera" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (347): 793. 13 December 1883.

  14. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Francisco Javier Arias Dávila, y Vicepresidentes á D. Fermín Lasala, D. Eduardo Fernández San Román, D. Emilio Bernar y D. Cayo Quiñones" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (139): 463. 18 May 1884.

  15. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos, y Vicepresidentes del mismo á D. Fermín Lasala y Collado, D. Eduardo Fernández San Román, Don Cayo Quiñones de León y D. Juan Moreno Benítez" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (358): 963. 24 December 1885.

  16. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (129): 387. 9 May 1886.

  17. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á Don José Gutiérrez de la Concha" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (15): 137. 15 January 1887.

  18. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (333): 587. 29 November 1887.

  19. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (333): 637. 28 November 1888.

  20. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. José Gutiérrez de la Concha, Marqués de la Habana, y Vicepresidente á D. Tomás María Mosquera, D. Francisco de Paula y Pavia, D. Cristóbal Colón de la Cerda, Duque de Veragua, y D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (164): 797. 13 June 1889.

  21. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (59): 631. 28 February 1891.

  22. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente y Vicepresidentes del Senado para la próxima legislatura á los señores que se expresan" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (94): 473. 4 April 1893.

  23. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, y Vicepresidentes á D. Eduardo Bermúdez Reina, D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce, D. Juan Jordán del Urries y Ruiz de Arana y D. Eduardo Martínez del Campo" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (315): 473. 11 November 1894.

  24. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando, Presidente del Senado, á D. José Elduayen, y Vicepresidentes, á los señores que se citan" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (129): 401. 8 May 1896.

  25. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando, Presidente del Senado, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, y Vicepresidentes, á los señores que se expresan" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (109): 255. 19 April 1898.

  26. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Arsenio Martínez de Campos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (151): 741. 31 May 1899.

  27. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (292): 601. 19 October 1900.

  28. ^ "Real decreto dejando sin efecto el de 18 de Octubre último, por el que se nombro Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (313): 505. 9 November 1900.

  29. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado y Vicepresidentes del mismo al Conde de Valdosera, D. Antonio Dabán, Duque de Béjar, D. Faustino y San Pedro y Conde de Pallares, respectivamente" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (313): 505. 9 November 1900.

  30. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente y Vicepresidentes del Senado, y Senadores vitalicios, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos, D. Manuel Eguilior, D. Federico Ochando, Marqués de Ayerbe, Don Martín de Zabala, D. Amós Salvador, D. Baltasar Hidalgo, D. Vicente Alonso Martínez, D. Felipe Sánchez Román, D. Emilio Nieto y D. Andrés Mellado" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (160): 957. 9 June 1901.

  31. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (92): 17. 2 April 1902.

  32. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga, y Vicepresidente á D. Luis Pidal y Mon, D. Mariano Fernández de Henestrosa, D. Francisco Javier López de Carrizosa y D. Angel Avilés y Merino" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (136): 601. 16 May 1903.

  33. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (272): 1109. 30 September 1904.

  34. ^ "Reales decretos nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. José López Domínguez, Capitán General de Ejército; Vicepresidentes de dicho Cuerpo, á Don Amós Salvador y D. Emilio Nieto, y Consejero de Estado, á D. Francisco Romero Robledo" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (283): 113. 10 October 1905.

  35. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (267): 1201. 24 September 1906.

  36. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo De Azcárraga y Palmero" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (131): 567. 11 May 1907.

  37. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (283): 119–120. 9 October 1908.

  38. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura á D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (288): 105. 15 October 1909.

  39. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima Legislatura á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (164): 561. 13 June 1910.

  40. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado, para la próxima legislatura, á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (64): 617. 5 March 1911.

  41. ^ "Real decreto admitiendo la dimisión del cargo de Presidente del Senado á D. Eugenio Montero Ríos" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (163): 754. 12 June 1913.

  42. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura, al Capitán general de Ejército D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero, Senador del Reino" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (313): 459. 9 November 1913.

  43. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Marcelo de Azcárraga y Palmero" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (90): 796. 31 March 1914.

  44. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (177): 797. 26 June 1915.

  45. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (306): 247. 2 November 1915.

  46. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Manuel García Prieto, Marqués de Alhucemas" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (128): 242. 7 May 1916.

  47. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Manuel García Prieto, Marqués de Alhucemas" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (26): 197. 26 January 1917.

  48. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura, a D. Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (153): 590. 2 June 1917.

  49. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (76): 782. 17 March 1918.

  50. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a don Manuel Allende Salazar y Muñoz de Salazar" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (175): 1022. 24 June 1919.

  51. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (350): 1217. 16 December 1919.

  52. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (4): 42. 4 January 1921.

  53. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente el Senado para la próxima legislatura a D. Joaquín Sánchez de Toca" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (57): 866. 26 February 1922.

  54. ^ "Real decreto nombrando Presidente del Senado para la presente legislatura a D. Alvaro de Figueroa y Torres, Conde de Romanones" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (147): 813. 27 May 1923.

  55. ^ "Real decreto declarando disueltos el Congreso de los Diputados y la parte electiva del Senado" (pdf). Gaceta de Madrid (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (260): 1121. 17 September 1923.

External links

  • Official website (in Spanish)

Coordinates: 40°25′14″N 3°42′46″W / 40.42056°N 3.71278°W / 40.42056; -3.71278

Cortes Generales, Government of Spain, National upper houses, Politics of Spain, Senate of SpainUncategorized

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