Kotli Khurd, Nowshera Navigation menu32°31′N 73°41′E / 32.517°N 73.683°E / 32.517; 73.683

Populated places in Nowshera District

CheratNowshera DistrictPakistanKotli KalanSaleh KhanakhelPakistan Tehrike Insaf Party

Kotli Khurdکوٹلی خورد ("small village") is a small village located in the foot of Cherat hill area of Nowshera District, at 23 kilometers distance from Pabbi Railway Station Pakistan, near Kotli Kalan, Saleh Khana with a population of about 5000. All of its inhabitants are of Khattak Tribe from Akora Khattak. There are four khel or clans in Kotli Khurd:

  • sardar khel (largest)

  • hasan khel (2 nd largest)

  • Janab khel (3rd largest)

  • Wahdat khel (smallest)

Main source of economy of this village is small businesses and doing job overseas, particularly in The UK, USA, Canada and Gulf Countries.
People of this village are educated with a rough estimate of 85% literacy rate. The village has a middle school for boys, a Primary School for boys and girls and a Girls Primary School.
There is no separate Health unit for its people, however, Basic Health Unit is available at one mile distance.
Pakistan Tehrike Insaf Party is the dominant political party.

Coordinates: 32°31′N 73°41′E / 32.517°N 73.683°E / 32.517; 73.683

Populated places in Nowshera DistrictUncategorized

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