Poetical SketchesAn Island in the MoonAll Religions are OneThere is No Natural ReligionThe ShepherdThe Ecchoing GreenThe LambThe Little Black BoyThe BlossomThe Chimney SweeperThe Little Boy LostThe Little Boy FoundLaughing SongA Cradle SongThe Divine ImageHoly ThursdayNightSpringNurse's SongInfant JoyA DreamOn Another's SorrowIntroductionEarth's AnswerThe Clod and the PebbleHoly ThursdayThe Little Girl LostThe Little Girl FoundThe Chimney SweeperNurse's SongThe Sick RoseThe FlyThe AngelThe TygerMy Pretty Rose TreeAh! Sun-flowerThe LillyThe Garden of LoveThe Little VagabondLondonThe Human AbstractInfant SorrowA Poison TreeA Little Boy LostA Little Girl LostTo TirzahThe School BoyThe Voice of the Ancient BardA Divine ImageAmerica a ProphecyEurope a ProphecyThe Song of LosTirielThe Book of ThelThe Marriage of Heaven and HellThe French RevolutionVisions of the Daughters of AlbionThe Book of UrizenThe Book of AhaniaThe Book of LosThe Four ZoasMiltonJerusalem The Emanation of the Giant AlbionAuguries of InnocenceThe Mental TravellerAhaniaAlbionBeulahBromionEnionEnitharmonFuzonGolgonoozaGrodnaHarLeuthaLosLuvahOrcPalamabronSpectreTharmasThirielTirielUrizenUrthonaUthaValaRelief etchingEngravings for Original Stories from Real LifeThe Ancient of DaysThe Night of Enitharmon's JoyNewtonNebuchadnezzarIllustrations for Night-ThoughtsIllustrations of The GraveThe Four and Twenty Elders Casting their Crowns before the Divine ThroneIllustrations of Paradise LostA Vision of the Last JudgementDescriptive CatalogueThe Great Red Dragon PaintingsPityThe Ghost of a FleaAgony in the GardenIllustrations of On the Morning of Christ's NativityThe Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies and the SuicidesIllustrations of the Book of JobVisionary HeadsLife of William BlakeFearful SymmetryBlake: Prophet Against EmpireWitness Against the BeastSerenade for Tenor, Horn and StringsTen Blake SongsSongs and Proverbs of William BlakeThe LambWilliam Blake in popular cultureWilliam Blake ArchiveBlakeIn LambethCatherine Blake (wife)Ancients
William Blake's mythology
mythological writingsWilliam BlakeUrizenclassical element
The birth of the four sons of Urizen. Copy G, collection the Library of Congress. Utha emerges from the water in the bottom left
In the mythological writings of William Blake, Utha is the second son of Urizen.
In Chapter VIII of The Book of Urizen his birth is briefly described:
- [...] Utha,
- From the waters emerging laments;
This establishes his identification with the classical element Water, in the identification of Urizen's four sons.
William Blake
Literary works |
Early writings |
- Poetical Sketches
- An Island in the Moon
- All Religions are One
- There is No Natural Religion
Songs of Innocence and of Experience |
Songs of Innocence |
- The Shepherd
- The Ecchoing Green
- The Lamb
- The Little Black Boy
- The Blossom
- The Chimney Sweeper
- The Little Boy Lost
- The Little Boy Found
- Laughing Song
- A Cradle Song
- The Divine Image
- Holy Thursday
- Night
- Spring
- Nurse's Song
- Infant Joy
- A Dream
- On Another's Sorrow
Songs of Experience |
- Introduction
- Earth's Answer
- The Clod and the Pebble
- Holy Thursday
- The Little Girl Lost
- The Little Girl Found
- The Chimney Sweeper
- Nurse's Song
- The Sick Rose
- The Fly
- The Angel
- The Tyger
- My Pretty Rose Tree
- Ah! Sun-flower
- The Lilly
- The Garden of Love
- The Little Vagabond
- London
- The Human Abstract
- Infant Sorrow
- A Poison Tree
- A Little Boy Lost
- A Little Girl Lost
- To Tirzah
- The School Boy
- The Voice of the Ancient Bard
A Divine Image (found only in Copy BB)
Prophetic books |
The continental prophecies
- America a Prophecy
- Europe a Prophecy
- The Song of Los
Other |
- Tiriel
- The Book of Thel
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
- The French Revolution
- Visions of the Daughters of Albion
- The Book of Urizen
- The Book of Ahania
- The Book of Los
- The Four Zoas
- Milton
- Jerusalem The Emanation of the Giant Albion
The Pickering Manuscript |
- "Auguries of Innocence"
- "The Mental Traveller"
The Rossetti Manuscript
"Never seek to tell thy love" |
Mythology |
- Ahania
- Albion
- Beulah
- Bromion
- Enion
- Enitharmon
- Fuzon
- Golgonooza
- Grodna
- Har
- Leutha
- Los
- Luvah
- Orc
- Palamabron
- Spectre
- Tharmas
- Thiriel
- Tiriel
- Urizen
- Urthona
- Utha
- Vala
Art |
Paintings and prints |
- Relief etching
- Engravings for Original Stories from Real Life
- The Ancient of Days
- The Night of Enitharmon's Joy
- Newton
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Illustrations for Night-Thoughts
- Illustrations of The Grave
- The Four and Twenty Elders Casting their Crowns before the Divine Throne
- Illustrations of Paradise Lost
- A Vision of the Last Judgement
- Descriptive Catalogue
The Great Red Dragon Paintings
- Pity
- The Ghost of a Flea
- Agony in the Garden
- Illustrations of On the Morning of Christ's Nativity
- The Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies and the Suicides
- Illustrations of the Book of Job
Sketches |
Criticism, scholarship, and in popular culture |
Scholarly works |
- Life of William Blake
- Fearful Symmetry
- Blake: Prophet Against Empire
- Witness Against the Beast
Musical |
Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings (1943)
Ten Blake Songs (1958)
Songs and Proverbs of William Blake (1965)
The Lamb (1982)
Related |
- William Blake in popular culture
- William Blake Archive
Blake (1983 monologue)
In Lambeth (1989 play)
- Catherine Blake (wife)
- Ancients
William Blake's mythologyUncategorized